Insta-Bangers 2.0 (New & Upgraded)
Genuine Question: How Many More Times Will You Be Ignored Before You Finally use the World's Biggest dating app 'Instagram' to get laid effortlessly just within 20 days only?
With top tier attractive women who also have a low body count.
And even the ability to elevate your social charisma in front of your friends and colleagues..
Without paying thousands of dollars for premium packages on the popular Dating apps.
Without wasting months after months DMing hot girls yet getting no replies from them.
Just like these guys..
Hear me out!..
You’ve tried everything..
Swiping endlessly on dating apps,
sending DMs,
even trying to approach women in person..
But nothing works.
It feels like you’re invisible, no matter how hard you try.
You watch other guys with less effort get the women,
while you’re left on the sidelines, ignored, frustrated,
and wondering if something’s wrong with you.
Your friends joke about it, your DMs stay empty,
and every time you open Instagram, it’s just another reminder that you’re stuck.
You’ve tried to boost your confidence.
You’ve paid for dating apps and pickup courses, hoping they’d be the solution.
But here you are—still scrolling, still overlooked, still watching from the sidelines while the top 5% get all the attention.
But what if..
The key to changing everything has been in front of you all along?
It’s not about trying harder, sending more DMs, faking confidence, or wasting money on dating apps that only leave you frustrated.
The real breakthrough comes from using what you already have—the right way.
There’s a simple, often-overlooked method that changes everything.
Once you unlock it, getting noticed won’t just be for “other guys.”
It’ll be for you, too.
This isn’t some theory or guesswork.
The methods I’m sharing have already helped hundreds of real men who were once stuck, frustrated, and ignored,..
Now they’re getting noticed, getting dates, and standing out.
I’ve spent 10 years studying what works and what doesn't,testing it with my own dating experience with different varieties of girls,
and now I’m here to give you exactly what you need to succeed.
This isn’t a shortcut. It’s a completely different PROVEN, EASY-TO-FOLLOW,TIME TESTED method.
To give you an extreme unfair advantage over 95% men in the game of Seduction.
With these bold strategies, you’ll have the power to choose from the most untouched beautiful, high-quality women,
and finally see real results, even in today’s feminist world.
Or even multiple women if that's your ultimate desire. 😎
If you’re ready to finally understand what actually works, then keep reading.
It’s all coming up.
The crazy part is..
The dating market is now ultra-competitive for men thanks to social media.
So even an average woman has a dinosaur sized ego because she has a lot of dating options on social media.
And she acts like she doesn't need a man for intimacy.
But you know what women actually hide from you?..
They hide the fact that they crave for intimacy !
More than men.
In fact,they are almost 8 times h0rnier than men because of their biology.
- Said the great ancient philosopher Chanakya.
If you're still skeptical go to any relationship forum online and watch out for the unfiltered REAL confessions from girls.
They are all over Facebook, Instagram and Reddit as well.
But make no mistake. They only want to get BANGED by the 'right' guy.
And you don't have to be a rich,6-foot tall,more-than-6-inches-d!ck man to be the 'right' guy for her.
In fact,you could only follow the 13 simple steps and implement within as little as 7 days that I revealed inside Insta-Bangers 2.0.
With a little effort.
To position yourself as the 'right guy' for any local girl.
And to become the perfect F*CK BUDDDY for her and for more local hot girls.
On World's biggest Dating app, Instagram.
Without looking like a creep.
(Yes! Within 20 days you become effortlessly smooth at dating but you will see your first success with women within 7 days!)
But before that..
You should know why Instagram??..
Out of all other popular dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, OkayCupid and more.
Even better than cold approaching women face-to-face.
(Because cold approach doesn't work these days.)
This is what most people online believe about Instagram dating..
Even many of my clients DM’ed me about how they struggled to get beautiful women in the past and how Instagram is their last ray of hope.
Picture this..
You’re a strong, hardworking man who believes in having high social status.
You also want to attract beautiful women, enjoy memorable experiences, and maybe even build something deeper.
So, you put yourself out there—Tinder, Bumble, Hinge. You even tried approaching women in person.
But just as you’re about to start a conversation, things go south…
Instead of a chance to introduce yourself, she ignores your first message. Or she hits you with, “Sorry, I have a boyfriend. Nice to meet you, though.”
Some are even blunt enough to say you’re not tall, good-looking, or wealthy enough.
You didn’t get to show her who you are, simply because she’s got plenty of thirsty guys lined up,
and she can choose any of them.
Why would she bother responding to you?
Especially if you don’t belong to the top 5% of men.
In her own mind she deserves the top guy even if she is a land whale.
If you don’t believe me, here is some evidence for you.
Crazy,right ?
Well, this is the dating market we are currently living in.
The only good news is.. You don't have to become the top 5% guy yourself to seduce these beautiful women and to get laid asap.
You just need to fight fire with fire.
You need to understand the psychological aspects of modern women like:
✅ What REALLY attracts her to you.
✅ Trigger words to avoid so you don't turn her off.
✅ How to tap into her father figure fantasy if you are over 33.
✅ How to set up your frame for her to completely submit to you s*xually.
✅ How to approach them from a dominant position and not from a position of a weak simp.
❌ HOW NOT to appear desperate and needy and turn her off instantly no matter how smooth you think you are.
✅ How to test if she is a girlfriend/wife material if that's your goal in future.
And most importantly..
✅ How to hold your strong Masculine Frame and the Abundance Mindset to pass her initial shit tests.
✅ How to pass her advanced shit tests just before she is about to give you her 🐈.
✅ How to dodge the Horrific ‘Friendzone’ at all costs & keep things strictly intimate.
✅ How to drop the Scarcity Mindset for good and adopt a Hunter's Mindset instead.
After all..
Tinder, Bumble and Hinge are biased against Men mostly.
Their algorithm works in favor of women primarily.
Most men don’t get to showcase their lifestyle properly.
Women on these dating apps select the top 5% of men based on their looks,status & height only.
But these dating apps have high monthly premium subscriptions for men only.
So if you are not in the top 5% of Men you almost have zero chance with gorgeous women(7's and above)..On these dating apps.
You will be spending your hard earned money every month but you won't be able to match with a hot girl to experience her body.
You have to ultimately settle with an ugly,fat,low hanging fruit.
And when you cold-approach her, it gets even worse.
She will not only reject you but also insult you on your face.
Especially if you are an average guy.
Instagram, on the other hand, is an open hunting field for you.
Women on Instagram crave an exciting, luxurious lifestyle.
Many of these so-called "Instagram models" are constantly jetting around the world—on private yachts, boats,in Lamborghinis, surrounded by high-status, wealthy men.
These women—and countless other women on Instagram—dream of this life and respect the men who can offer it.
To them, a man with an Instagram profile that shows off this lifestyle, filled with beautiful women already by his side, is a true high-status catch.
It’s a signal: he’s already pre-selected by other women before she even arrives.
Plus when you approach a woman face-to-face and ask for her Instagram she is more likely to give you that.
Because it’s LESS private than giving her phone number to a stranger.
Imagine opening your DMs to see women reaching out to you first.
You’re no longer trying to get noticed—they’re noticing you.
You’re confident, relaxed, and in control.
Every photo, every story, and every interaction reflects the high-value man you are.
You’ve built a profile that works for you, bringing in the attention you’ve been missing without all the effort.
Friends, colleagues—even women who used to overlook you—now see you differently.
You’re no longer invisible; you’re a man women want to meet and men respect.
The best part? It feels natural, like it was always meant to be this way.
All you need to do is to follow the simple proven steps to create a fantastic Instagram persona that most beautiful women have to respond to!
And any high value creator would want to network with you for.
The steps that have been kept a Secret by the famous Dating Coaches for years !
Until now..
To unmask that exact Secret for you I created the INSTA-BANGERS 2.0.
A detailed Step-by-step updated toolkit that helps you build and dominate your Instagram approach with the long kept secret sauce from the Top players.
This isn’t about fake confidence or pretending to be someone else.
It’s a step-by-step guide based on the real strategies that actually work in real time. With real stories.
🚨 Important note :
Insta-Bangers 2.0 is not a random AI generated low-effort product. It's handwritten by Master Based who has 10+ years of real life dating experience.
It is meant for the guys who are tired of the so-called useless Scammy 'Dating Apps' and want to get LAID fast.
Or guys who have no Online Seduction GAME.
You will also get to know..
✅ HOW TO use the ‘Hunter Mindset’ to position yourself as a High Status Man in front of the 8s,9s and 10s.
❌ HOW TO avoid cheesy pick-up lines that turn women off and make them ghost you.
✅ HOW TO set up an Attractive profile that makes you stand out in the crowd of thirsty simps.
✅ HOW TO Post crispy content all the time that piques the curiosity of women.
✅ ACTIVE and PASSIVE strategies of approaching on Instagram.
✅ HOW TO text so that she wants to qualify for your attention. Not the other way around.
✅ HOW TO use 'Less is more' concept when it comes to arouse her in DMs.
✅ HOW TO handle Coldness like a Pro - Make her regret going cold on a high-status man like you.
And lastly..
✅ HOW TO dominate the in-person dating and pick up game with local women who play hard-to-get.
❌ WHAT NOT to do after you have laid with her - Despite her requesting you to do that.
Here are the examples of how Insta-Bangers changed lives..
And many more.. So many that I can't put them all on this page.
On top of that, when you follow the 'Geo-surfing' method from Insta-Bangers something magical happens!
Instagram algorithm starts showing a pool of smoking hot girls in the explore section.
Those girls are automatically tailored to your preferences because of the algo.
You don't even have to search for new girls everyday on your own.
Instagram takes care of that.
Here is a little sneak peak of what's inside..
And many more interesting modules that I can't reveal here...
This guide holds the straightforward answers to end your scarcity of women, as you’ve seen in the sneak peek above.
This guide isn't any randomly AI generated one.
It's prepared from my countless failures of decades,harsh experiences and finally real successes with real women.
Insta-Bangers 2.0 shows you exactly how to position yourself as a man women respect, admire, and want to be around.
It’s about building a presence that speaks for itself—without the need for endless swiping, guessing, or chasing.
Without wasting thousands of your hard earned cash on useless dating apps and yet getting rejected blatantly by high body count women.
That's why I have decided to mark the price at $80 once this Gumroad Page hits 50 Ratings(1 more rating/purchase to go).
Because of Insta-Bangers 2.0's Massive Demand as you can see from the Ratings and the clients' testimonials!
But for now.. I want to let you steal this ultra-valuable toolkit for ($80) $53 only!
Only when you ORDER now!
Only $53 price for a beautiful loyal girl/multiple loyal girls by your side for however long you want..
..and your elevated social status in your family,friends and colleagues.
No more getting scammed by dating apps for months after months.
No more rejection from beautiful women.
A crazy no-brainer offer. Right?
When you consider everything that’s gone into creating this guide—from hours of research to real-world testing—the value goes beyond just another ebook.
This is about saving time, avoiding rejection, and finally feeling in control.
This is about saving you thousands of dollars in future by choosing a wrong low quality woman.
And you’ll have Insta-Bangers for a fraction of what you’d pay on apps and courses that don’t deliver.
Plus you will also get..
Bonus #1 - ‘Speak Womanese’ Doctrine: What she says vs What she ACTUALLY means. How to decode what toxic behaviors draw her in and what turn her off..Plus many more secrets. (
$35) ($0)
Bonus #2 - The ‘Boos-Free First Date’ Mini Doctrine: What NOT to do on the first date. Rookie MISTAKES to avoid to not appear as a thirsty simp. How to escalate smoothly to the next level by the end of the first date. (
$25) ($0)
Bonus #3 - The ‘Anti-Friendzone’ Arsenal : HOW to escape the Friendzone fast even if you end up there. What to SAY when she insists on 'just being friends'. (
$30) ($0)
These are Three of my all time best updated side courses with a total value of ($90) that you are getting with paying $0 only.
It’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines and start experiencing what it feels like to finally have control over your dating life.
No more missed chances, no more empty DMs.
This is your opportunity to stand out—and it starts right here.
After all, it boils down to only 3 choices at this point.
You can either…
A) Keep scrolling through social media, looking at photos of stunning women, wondering why you’re still alone, miserable,sad and depressed; always m*sturbating —after ignoring the help I offered.
B) Take this info, and keep trying your luck on scammy dating apps or cold approaches. Keep facing rejection from ugly high body count women and wasting years chasing results.
C) Order Insta-Bangers 2.0 now, follow the simple steps, level up your Instagram game, and start scoring gorgeous women without fail—within 20 days or less.
And be admired & respected by other men in your circle or outside as a Professional casanova with a Banger Instagram presence.
But make no mistake..
If you are not willing to follow the crazy simple steps inside Insta-Bangers 2.0 , charm and seduce a high quality young woman and elevate your social status among friends..
If you are the kinda guy who always gives up at the first sign of difficulty or rejection,
I don't want your money.
I don’t want you to buy this powerful guide only to be lazy with it.
This guide has delivered outstanding results (just look at the testimonials above), and I won’t risk its reputation on someone who won’t value the secrets inside.
If you’ve read this far, I trust you’re serious about transforming yourself.
Now THE CHOICE IS YOURS…Success or Excuses?
Order the INSTA-BANGERS 2.0 now.
When you click on the 'I want this' button on this page,you will be redirected to the checkout page.
Get your credit/debit card/PayPal info ready,put the required information during the payment and complete the checkout.
Now you have the most powerful weapon of New Age Online Seduction!
Of course,you can order Insta-Bangers 2.0 with NO RISK whatsoever.
Because you're covered by my Rock Solid 20-Day Money Back Guarantee.
I’m so confident in the power of Insta-Bangers 2.0 that I’m offering a simple, no-questions-asked guarantee.
Try it for 20 days. Go through the steps, apply the strategies, and start building the profile that actually attracts female attention.
If you’re still not seeing real results, if you don’t feel the difference in how women respond to you even after 20 days, just reach out for a full refund.
You have nothing to lose here.
Plus if you purchase Insta-Bangers 2.0 now (before the price hike soon) then you will also get all the recent & future upgrades for free..
No Extra Price to pay.
And since you’ve read this far it's certain that you’re ready for a change.
Now’s the time to take that step.
Pay the small investment fee of $53 now and get all the expensive upgrades(worth more than $150) of Insta-Bangers 2.0 for free!
While being fully covered by my 20-Day Full Money-back Guarantee.
Also no more high monthly subscription fees on dating apps,
or no more pick up courses by unsuccessful dating Gurus..
Since girls would be chasing you on Instagram because of Insta-Bangers 2.0.
Order Insta-Bangers 2.0 NOW by clicking the 'I want this!' button before the price increase soon.
1) What if I’ve already tried similar guides, dating apps or pickup bootcamps? How is this different?
Ans: Insta-Bangers 2.0 is different because it is short, interactive,easy to read and finish,doesn’t rely on the same outdated tricks or platforms that leave you frustrated. It doesn't need you to approach a woman face-to-face first therefore keeping you from uncomfortable situations .This guide optimizes your Instagram profile naturally—a method designed to position you as a high-value man who naturally attracts women, not someone chasing for attention.
2) Would I seriously accomplish all my dating and mating goals within 30 days?
Ans: Only when you commit to the process,use your energy and time & follow the steps exactly as they are laid out inside Insta-Bangers 2.0.
In fact,if you don't skip a step in the whole process you might just get your first hot high quality date within 7 days!
3) I’m not that active on Instagram. Will this still work for me?
Ans: Absolutely. Insta-Bangers 2.0 includes beginner-friendly steps to get you started, so even if you’re not familiar with Instagram, you’ll be able to build a profile that attracts attention. It’s straightforward and doesn’t need you to be a social media expert.
4) I don’t look like a model or have a fancy lifestyle. Can this still work for me?
Ans: Definitely! Insta-Bangers 2.0 isn’t about pretending to be someone you’re not. It’s about highlighting your strengths and presenting yourself in an authentic, attractive way. Women are drawn to confidence, and that’s what this guide helps you showcase.
5) Will this make me look desperate or fake?
Ans: No. Insta-Bangers 2.0 is designed to help you present the best version of yourself naturally. The strategies help you build an authentic presence that women find attractive, without coming across as trying too hard.
6) I don’t have a lot of time. Will it take hours every day to see results?
Ans: No. The strategies in Insta-Bangers 2.0 are efficient and designed for busy people. With just a little time each week, you’ll be able to make meaningful changes to your profile and start attracting the right attention.
7) Will this work if I’m shy or not good with women?
Ans: Absolutely. Insta-Bangers 2.0 is crafted to help you build confidence by creating an attractive profile, so women start reaching out to you. You don’t need to be an expert at conversation to see results—the guide helps you establish a presence that speaks for itself.
8) Will this guide surely put me in an advantage with women who play hard to get?
Ans: Women only play hard to get if the guy is low value in their eyes. With a badass Instagram Persona & with a lot of pictures around women, you will never be seen as low value to most women. You will be playing hard to get because of your high value. Not them.
9) Will this be successful for men above 33?
Ans: Insta-Bangers 2.0 doesn’t discriminate against age. In fact, if you are older then you have an unfair advantage that the young guys don't have. You have the 'Father Figure' persona that young women are attracted to, for your validation. You'll also learn how to activate the 'Father Figure' persona inside Insta-Bangers 2.0.
10) Is $53 too much price for Insta-Bangers 2.0?
Ans: You can clearly see the testimonies of my clients who got massive results from following my method. Think of it like an investment into your future. You spend $53 for your online self development that lasts forever. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars and years of trials and errors anymore, trying to solve your 'not getting laid' problem.
11) Does Insta-Bangers 2.0 dive deeply into specific dating topics at a granular level?
Ans: Yes,of course. It will activate your Hunter’s Mindset & resolve all of your dating myths within the first two weeks. It helps you build your mindset and online profile from the scratch with numerous examples.
12) Will I get guidance from you in case of a doubt even after buying the Insta-Bangers 2.0?
Ans: Whenever you want to hit me up I am there. After all,I am not here just to sell you my product and disappear if you face a doubt.
13) Will I get the refund in case I don’t accomplish my dating goals after 20 days?
Ans: I am extremely confident that Insta-Bangers 2.0 will definitely work for you..Just like it worked for others. However if you still don't get your desired results after 20 days then DM me after 20 days. Even if you say that you weren't satisfied with the results I will give you full refund.
I am sure that I cleared most of your doubts in the Frequently Asked Questions.
In case you have any doubt left, DM me @BasedSeduction on X or Instagram to clear the confusion.
This is your chance to stop watching from the sidelines,
And actually transform your online existence into a higher value man worthy of respect and love.
Don’t let this opportunity pass by.
You’re backed by a 20-day guarantee, so there’s absolutely no risk.
Keep In Mind...
Now that Time is ticking…
- Click the ‘ I want this! ’ button to order and start seeing the difference immediately.
Insta-Bangers Guide/Toolkit + 3 Free Mini Guides